Thursday, July 27, 2017

40 Days of Healing By: Danyelle Scroggins Book Blast July 27, 2017

Write Now Literary is pleased to announce The Book Blast Tour for 40 Days of Healing by Danyelle Scroggins. July 27, 2017
Publication Date: June 12, 2017
Genre: Inspirational
ISBN-10: 154806775X

ISBN-13: 978-1548067755

                                                               About The Book

 40 Days Of Healing takes the reader through 40 days of fasting in hopes of being delivered from the "IT" that has caused separation between them and God, and gives them the opportunity to journal their most personal prayers, thoughts, and intentions.
40 Days Of Healing is also a complete guide to 40 days of fasting and spiritual renewal. It is an opportunity for mind renewal in your mind, body, and spirit. It is saturated with wonderful scriptures to help usher you into your healing.

About The Author

Pastor/ Author Danyelle is the Senior Pastor of New Vessels Ministries North in Shreveport, Louisiana. She studied Theology at Louisiana Baptist University, has a Psychology Degree from the University of Phoenix, an Interdisciplinary Degree in Psychology /Biblical Studies from Liberty University, and is presently working on a Master’s in Religious Education from the Liberty University. Pastor Danyelle owns Divinely Sown Publishing LLC and is the author of both Christian fiction and non-fiction books. She is the wife of Pastor Reynard Scroggins Sr., the mother of three by birth and two additional by marriage

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Tour hosted by Write Now Literary Book Tours

Monday, July 17, 2017

BJ's Big Dream By Author Sonia Leverette is on the Virtual Book Tour July 17-21, 2017

Write Now Literary is pleased to announce BJ’s Big Dream Virtual 
Book Tour, with author Sonia Leverette. July 17-21, 2017.
ISBN-10: 0998123005
ISBN-13: 978-0998123004
Genre: Children

                                                       About The Author

Passionate about creating tomorrow’s leaders, Dr. Sonia Cunningham Leverette combines her love for children with books. Wife, mother and veteran educator with almost thirty years of experience, Dr. Leverette focuses extensively on meeting the needs of grade school students including how to deal with bullying, leadership, teamwork, problem solving and character building.

    About The Book

What is your favorite dream?
BJ has a special dream. He really wants his dream to come true, so he makes a plan. BJ works hard to fix problems that try to stop his dream. While he waits for his dream to happen, he learns that he can do it, if he doesn’t quit.
In this book, children will learn
•How to separate real dreams from daydreams
•Steps to making a real dream come true
•Hard work can pay off
•The benefits of planning, setting goals and problem solving

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Becoming a Published Author

Years ago, I wrote a book that I saved on my computer, hoping for an opportunity to come along. I researched publishing, but with so much “noise,” I never submitted my manuscript.
One day, a friend called. She said, “Do you want to publish your story?”
My dream to be a published author is fulfilled. I experienced highs and lows on the road to publishing. The following list will help you navigate some of the challenges I encountered:
1)            Publishing is addictive and easy to love. I put it off far too long!
2)            Self-published authors can make more money selling their books because the middle man is eliminated.
3)            Competition is fierce, but I didn't know just how fierce. I am meeting new authors everywhere. Self-publishing offers great opportunities to talented people who may have not had a chance otherwise.
4)            Book signings and author events are so fun, especially with children. They think you are famous. The comments I hear from children about my character BJ from BJ’s Big Dream, who is my son, are hilarious! After a reading at an elementary school, one little girl said her dream in life is to be BJ’s mom. I chuckled, but was flattered beyond measure! Whenever I see the children to whom I’ve read, they want to know how BJ is and ask me to tell him “hello.” Some have asked if BJ could travel with us on a field trip. And another little girl thought BJ was “looking fine” on his last real picture.
5)            Authors are some of the busiest people! Besides writing and publishing, marketing is an enormous, time-consuming job. I imagined that I’d sip coffee and write using my MacBook at the kitchen table with little stress. That is NOT the case on most days. However, for authors who choose not to market, their books become dust collectors.
6)            Most self-published titles only sell 50-100 copies. If you want to defy the averages, be an ambitious author who works hard!
7)            Social media is one of the best vehicles for promoting your book. In preparing for the July 19, 2017 launch of my children’s story book, BJ’s Big Dream, I blogged about topics specific to children including bullying, problem solving and boosting confidence. I love it. I’m using tools like HootSuite, Library Thing, GoodReads, Constant Contact and Instagram to build my platform, boost my brand and leverage my expertise. I created a Facebook page just for the book:
8)            Numerous authors are willing to help new authors avoid common publishing mistakes.
9)            Lots of people want to be published, but have no idea where to start. I want to help as many aspiring authors as I can.
10)          You have a book inside of you. Don’t let fear keep you from publishing it. Just do it!

Passionate about creating tomorrow’s leaders, Dr. Sonia Cunningham Leverette combines her love for children with books. Wife, mother and veteran educator with almost thirty years of experience, Dr. Leverette focuses extensively on meeting the needs of grade school students including how to deal with bullying, leadership, teamwork, problem solving and character building. |

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Write Now Literary is pleased to announce Who Killed My Husband? By Michelle Stimpson Virtual Book Tour. July 17-28, 2017.

Write Now Literary is pleased to announce Who Killed My Husband? By Michelle Stimpson
Virtual Book Tour. July 17-28, 2017.  @wnlbooktours @ StimpsonTweets

Genre: Short Story/Mystery 
ASIN: B071743ZLP

                                                               About The Author  

Michelle Stimpson is an author, a speaker, and an educator who received her Bachelor of Science degree from Jarvis Christian College in 1994. She earned a Master’s in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Texas at Arlington in 2002. She has had the pleasure of teaching elementary, middle, and high school as well as training adults. In addition to her work in the field of education, Michelle ministers through writing and public speaking. Her works include the highly acclaimed Boaz Brown, Divas of Damascus Road (National Bestseller), and Falling Into Grace. She has published several short stories for high school students through her educational publishing company, Right Track Academic Support Services, at Michelle serves in women’s ministry at her home church, Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship, in Dallas, TX. She regularly speaks at special events and writing workshops sponsored by churches, schools, book clubs and other positive organizations, and she has taught writing classes at the University of Texas at Arlington. Michelle lives near Dallas with her husband, their two teenage children, and one crazy dog.

                                                                  About The Book  

Ashley Crandall finally convinced her husband, Allan, to attend the Christian men’s retreat...but he ends up dead there. What happened to him on the campgrounds? Who would want to kill Allan? And why are the detectives pointing fingers at Ashley? In her quest to solve the mystery and clear her name, Ashley will learn something about her husband that she didn’t want to know and something about her Christian faith that shifts her life. 

This short work by national bestselling, multi-published author Michelle Stimpson is packed with emotion, suspense, and a her signature way of weaving hope into a story – always a hit with readers who enjoy faith-based reads.

               A Day in the Life of Michelle Stimpson 

The funny thing about this article is that I’m sure my husband will want to read this. He knows I do stuff all day, but he really doesn’t know exactly what I do all day, and he sometimes wonders why I sometimes say, “I can’t pick up your cleaning until tomorrow.” But the truth is: Writers must protect their time. We have to be Time Lords if we actually want to get all this mysterious stuff done.
Here’s how my day usually goes:
8:30 – Still lying in bed, listen to someone preaching the Word
9:00 – Get up, put on some clothes and have something to eat (usually a breakfast bar) and some water. Maybe get on the treadmill. If not, go straight to the prayer closet.
9:15 – 10:30ish – Prayer closet: Pray, read the Bible, read a book that points me back to the Bible, journal, command my day with Scriptures. I may listen to music for some part of this time.
10:30 – 12:30ish – Handle business: Prioritize my list of things-to-do for the day, reply to email messages, check sales and ads, fax contracts, create/schedule social media, read writing articles/blogs, reply to text messages and voice mail, take the next step with a client (design a book cover, helping someone publish their book, etc.)
12:30 – Eat another bar & maybe a bite of something with some meat (LOL!)
12:45 – 2:30 – Write next chapter of work-in-progress
2:30 – Stop to eat another bar
3:45 – 4:30 Continue with the list of things-to-do (usually involves more marketing, making doctor’s appointments, running to post office, etc.). I usually run my errands around the city at this time because all the stay-at-home moms have to go pick up their kids at this time, the retirees are back at home getting ready to eat dinner, and everybody else is still at work. This leaves the aisles of Wal-Mart and Target clear for the work-from-home crew!
4:30 – Eat the last bar of the day
4:45 – 6:30 – Continue with whatever I didn’t complete on the list of things-to-do.
6:30 – Eat a for-real meal.
6:30 – 8:30 – Read, relax, spend time with the family, go to Bible study or other evening events.
Any time after 8:30, I could be talking on the phone with a friend or just watching a little TV. In a crunch, I might keep working until around 11:30 p.m. Just depends on how much I got done during the day.
Mind you, there are always phone calls coming in from my husband or other people. I have an epileptic dog in who might have to be tended to at any moment, and there’s a baby (my granddaughter) in the house. Any time she cries, I feel like I have to see if there’s anything I can do to help. Given the number of distractions available at my home, I sometimes go to a library or a trendy restaurant with Wi-Fi so that I can concentrate more, especially if I seem to be falling behind at home.
I am also a part-time educational consultant. I work outside of home once or twice a week. On those days, I’m usually up and out of the house by 7:30 a.m. When I come home from those days, I MIGHT get to handle some of my email business and such, but I don’t usually write because I’m too tired. If I come home from working some place else, if I get home early enough I’ll take a nap and then get up to write later. I try not to do that much because then I’m up all night writing, which means I won’t feel rested when I wake up the next morning at 8:30 (my body wakes up naturally around that time).

So, there you have it! This is what I do all day. Could somebody go tell my husband!

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