Monday, October 9, 2017

The Little Girl Inside By Tonya Barbee Virtual Book Tour October-November, 2017

This is one of my stops during the two month tour for The Little Girl Inside: Owning 

My Role in My Own Pain by Tonya Barbee. This virtual book tour is organized by 

Write Now Literary Book Tours. This tour runs October & November.  Follow the tour 

here.  Book your own tour here WNL

Book Title: The Little Girl Inside: Owning My Role in My Own Pain


ISBN-10: 0692564802

ISBN-13: 978-0692564806

Genre: Non-Fiction

Tonya Barbee

About The Author

TONYA BARBEE is a novelist and aspiring playwright. Her most recent published work is titled, The Little Girl Inside Owning My Role in My Own Pain. She is currently working on another project that complements this book. Tonya grew up in Durham, NC, a family of four daughters and one son. Her father, Woodrow served his country for twenty years as an Army officer, retired then taught ROTC for another twenty years and her mother, Doris, a college administrator. She is a proud 1980 graduate of Frank W. Ballou High School in Washington, DC. She worked in operations and management for Department of Agriculture for twenty years. For the past ten years, she’s worked as a project manager for Department of Defense in Washington, DC. She studied at National-Louis University where she earned her Masters in Business Administration in 2009.
Although she’s worked her way up the ladder in the federal government, she had no idea she would end up writing professionally however she has always enjoyed sharing her personal life through story telling with those she thought she could help. Then something clicked. As she writes, she is in hopes that her work reaches her readers that have been through something and have contemplated giving up. Her goal is to enable her readers to become empowered to keep moving forward to accomplish their dreams no matter what challenges they have been faced with.
Tonya resides in Bowie, MD with two of her youngest children, Christian and Zachary. Her eldest two, Andrew and Jessica left the nest years ago and have blessed her with seven beautiful grand kids.

                                                  About This Book

The Little Girl Inside is a prolific story of triumph and discovery of inner peace. With each page, the reader will be captivated while the author uses the writing pen as a sowing tool-seaming a garment of praise, banner of victory and fabric of joy. With imaginative color, the book is a perfectly designed combination of patterns expressing the maturation of a woman.
A uniquely designed transparent jewel every woman should own in her jewelry box. The Little Girl Inside is a ministry resource tool for women in search for transparency in the human heart. The author shows us how to overcome the inner battle of doing the right thing the wrong way, going from finding love in the wrong places to allowing love to be revealed in the right time and in the right place.

"I made room for Sir Intellectual to bring what I thought were the remainder of hi things. I also made room on my health insurance policy just in case he didn't have any. Too bad it didn't occur to me to ask him. My ability to confront was non-existent. I decided not to wait until I returned to work to handle it. I contacted my carrier and updated my policy to include my new husband. The whole time I felt sad that he wasn't contacting his carrier to include me. I had a husband, though what caliber of husband, I wasn't sure. Sometimes I wanted to slap myself for being so needy that I overlooked important things and ignored flags, bells, and whistles."

                                                       How did you sale your first book? 

I was so excited!  My coworker and friend Mary would ask me the status of my book at least once a week and the last time she asked me I surprised her by showing her a copy of the book.  I had brought in several to show to my coworkers.  She was more excited than I was. She took the book, examined the cover, which she said was so me, and then she started flipping through it, and began to read excerpts from the book.  She beamed with so much pride.  She was acting like a mother! She made me feel bashful because she just kept beaming.  She said she never had a coworker that wasn’t a professor that wrote a book.  After all the praises and the fact she was a friend, I wasn’t comfortable selling it to her so I told her, “Here, it’s yours.”  She told me no and gave me $15! I was so excited to get my first payment in cash too.  She works in the library too so on top of standing in front of the new books that came in; she and I took a picture together.  A few weeks later she made sure her office catalogued the book for me so now, it’s available to read in the library where I work as well! That too was a big deal because that particular library only catalogues books written by the subject matter experts and other faculty members. It’s a prestigious military, educational institution and it’s an honor to have my book available.  It’s a great feeling to have supportive friends whom were there from the very beginning.  Not only did she read it, she gave it to her daughter to read who is still asking for the sequel.  I treasure that picture of my first purchase with my most encouraging coworker and friend.  

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Purchase Links

Amazon ebook:

Amazon paperback:

Tour hosted by Write Now Literary