Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Arlena's Blog Information For Various Authors : Write Now Literary Book Tours Featuring: THE MANY ...

Arlena's Blog Information For Various Authors : Write Now Literary Book Tours Featuring: THE MANY ...:   Book: The Many Facets of Me Tagline: From A Heart of Hurt to The Joy of Jesus Genre: Christian Non-Fiction Author: Dr. Wend...

Write Now Literary Book Tours Featuring: THE MANY FACETS OF ME By: Dr. Wendy Hall Sims My 29-30, 2019

 Book: The Many Facets of Me

Tagline: From A Heart of Hurt to The Joy of Jesus
Genre: Christian Non-Fiction
Author: Dr. Wendy Hall Sims
Publisher: DS Publishing
Website Address:
Release Date: June, 2019
Word Count: 11,837

Dr. Wendy Hall Sims in The Many Facets of Me shares how she moved From A Heart of Hurt to The Joy of Jesus. She expounds upon how God allowed the facets of her life to build her character and faith. Dr. Sims encourages her readers to put their trust securely in God, who will always channel every situation into one that will ultimately work for your good. Being mocked (for the color of her skin) and molested at a very young age, she identifies with those who have been hurt but encourages them like her, to use their hurt to their advantage by spreading a message of love and hope. She attributes her relationship with Christ for helping her to move from a heart of hurt to the joy of Jesus.

About the Author

Dr. Wendy Hall Sims earned her Ph.D in Psychology and is the Chief Operating Officer of Metropolitan Circles, LLC. She is the wife of Pastor Samuel Sims, mother of three, and grandmother or seven. She resides in Ringgold, Louisiana where she operates as the First Lady of We Care Ministries.

Chapter One
Pushing Through To Reveal
The Facets of Me

It has taken me some time to understand fully what my journey is about. Of course, just like many of you, I still do not know the story in full. Nevertheless, the bits and pieces have caused me to conclude, there was not a hurt or pain strong enough to hinder, derail, or cancel out the plans God had for me.
Now don’t get me wrong or jump to the wrong understanding. My boast is definitely not in myself, because I can assure you on many occasions I wanted to crawl back into bed, pull the covers over my head, and pretend I had drifted away into the land of Peter Pan. Unfortunately for those of you who wanted to hide like me, it does not exist and even if it did, we were not created to inhabit that space.
We were created to be right where we were, experiencing just what we did, in order to be who we would become, and if you ask me, I’d say today, “I’m happy God allowed me to stay to finish the race. We always say, “The race is not given to the swift or the strong but to the one who endures.” Fact is, we have the running down pat, but it’s the enduring that myself and those like me find hard.
Sure, it’s always easy for someone who has never gone through anything to feel like it was not hard for them, but either way, there still should be some sympathy somewhere deep down inside of you for those of us who had a hard time. No, we don’t want your pity, but we would like you to persuade us to push through because reality is, there are so many facets of each of us and the only way you will ever sort through them is if you push through.
You may be asking, “Why on earth is Wendy starting her book off here?” Let me tell you why. Many of you will never uncover or reveal the facets of you because you are too uninvolved with the process. What do I mean? Anytime we are faced with moving to another level or finding out more about what we are capable of or purposed to do, we first have to be pushed out of the level we are on by being processed.
Take an orange for instance.
You cannot get to the beauty or the good part until you peel away the orange peel. Then, if you are lazy, uninvolved, or don’t care, you will just keep the protective layer of the hull stuck on the backside of the orange. At this point, because it requires more time than you are able to give, you become uninvolved and you eat through all the strands that could have been peeled off. You never take the time to get to the pure beauty of the orange because anything that requires you to do more than you desire, you check out.
Take a homeless person.
Some of them are so skilled but troubles, situations, and circumstances caused them to determine…I will be better off living on the streets. Less worry, less stress, no bills, no obligations, and the only two things that I’m concerning myself with is food and a place to lay my head. Seems easy huh. A lot of homeless people will tell you it’s harder than you think, but they are so disconnected from their struggle and facets until this works for them.
Take the Gerasene demoniac in Mark 5.
He was dwelling amongst the tombs, hurting himself with the same stones he probably used to lay his head on. The reality is, he checked out because of what was in him. Get it?
Whether it is good or bad stuff, too much of anything has the power to cause you to check out if you are not looking at things through a Christ-centered approach. If you cannot see that God allowed you to be blessed in order for you to be a blessing, you can in up in a tomb of selfishness.
If you fail to realize that God allowed you to face so many hardships in your youth to perfect you in adulthood, you can end up in a tomb of bitterness. And, my brothers and my sisters in every tomb is a mob waiting to ultimately kill you because they understand if you ever come to terms with all the facets God has put in you to carefully construct you according to His plan and promises for your life, you will destroy them in everyone you meet.
I thought giving you some space to journal would allow you to write down some things that happen to you in your youth that you may have never looked at as a facet, God was perfecting in you.

What are the facets you went through as a child that enemy might have put in place to kill you, but God allowed to perfect you?

Can you now see how these have helped you to be a better you?

I was given a  Pdf to read this author's novel: The Many Facets of Me

Arlena's Book Review:

Title:  The Many Facets of Me:  From A Heart of Hurt To The Joy of Jesus 
Author:   Dr. Wendy Hall Sims
Publisher:  DS Publishing                          
Reviewed By:  Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"The Many Facets of Me" by Dr. Wendy Hall Sims

My Rationalization:  

I found 'The Many Facets of Me' by this author was absolutely well written and I was even able to identify with [understand] some of the things she had gone through in her life.  From being bullied,[I was as a child too] rape, molestations, and divorce 'all things were meant to work together for the good.' Learning to forgive and seeing  that 'God trusted her to 'Win' in the midst of all of her facets.'  I loved how well this author was able to not only forgive the one who had molested her but also I loved how she was able to deal with her own mother through that whole situation.  

Going through many facets in her life there was through prayer that she learned to see just how the power of prayer was able to register in her mind.  She was able to 'know that God having chosen her was the reason that she survived.'  I loved how this author was able to back all of her testimony with some powerful beautiful scriptures.  Here are a few that are some wonderful reads:  Isaiah 43:10, John 16:13, Jeremiah 1:4-5, Revelations 13:8, Romans 8:28, and Psalm 45:7.  I read all of them and enjoyed all of them. I would definitely recommend for all to read 'The Many Facets of Me because you will get a lot out of this Christian Non-Fiction read.